Saturday, April 12, 2008

Winning the Space Derby

Today, I won the Space Derby.

Do you know why? Because the propeller of my rocket was super fast.

I won all the rounds. There were 7 all-in-all. On my first win, I was happy. On my second win, I was VERY happy. On my third win, I was VERY, VERY happy. On my fourth win, I was SUPER happy. On my fifth win, I was SUPER, SUPER happy. On my sixth win, I was VERY SUPER, SUPER happy. And on my seventh win, I was SOOOOOOOO happy!!! I won first place! I received a diploma, a blue ribbon and a big, gold medal. The medal was even bigger than the sports one that I got for soccer, baseball and basketball.

During the seventh round, I was a little nervous that I might lose. My heart was beating very fast. I thought to myself, "Come on, rocket, don't be tired. You have to win!" All the Cub Scouts were chanting "RAIN-BOW, RAIN-BOW, RAIN-BOW..." because my rocket was rainbow-colored. They all wanted me to win. They were cheering for me because they didn't want me to lose. Then the tall Boy Scout let go of the rockets, and my rainbow-colored rocket won.

Janell, the leader of the Cub Scouts, gave the medals to The Third Placer then to The Second Placer then to me, The First Placer! Daddy, Mommy, and Lance were watching me and they were all proud of me. Other dads took a picture of me holding my rocket. Maybe they want to copy my rocket for next year's Space Derby.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Rocker's Collection of DS

Rocker was a boy. He had lots of DSs. He got them for his birthday. He also had lots of games. He had Pokemon, Mario, Kirby and Cars.

Rocker wanted to give Rocky, his friend, a gold DS for his birthday. But suddenly, the DS broke! It fell down from his bed and the side broke, so he can't give it to Rocky.

Rocker tried to fix the broken DS. He put it under his pillow and added more pillows on top of his own pillow. Then he sat on all of the pillows to fix the DS. He was trying to fix the DS by pushing it together. But it didn't work.

Then, he tried to fix it by bending. He lay down on the pillow with the DS under it. Then he said to his sister, "Put pillows on me and when I say get on, you get on the pillows. When I say get off, you get off the pillows." Then he said, "Get on!" His sister got on the pillows, and then he said, "Get off!" but his sister didn't hear him, so he shouted, "GET OFF!!!" and then his sister got off. But it didn't work.

Rocker sat on top of the pillows. He got an idea. He thought to himself, "It just might work. The DS might get fixed." So he went to the DS shop and said to the man, "Can you fix this?" The man said, "Yes." So the man fixed it and Rocker made it to the birthday party. He gave the DS to Rocky. And Rocky was so happy. Then the party stopped and Rocker got his goody bag and went home.


Friday, March 28, 2008

A Day At Tom Dragon

Now, I am having my Spring Break. That means I am having a vacation. I don't need any school during my vacation. I am happy and excited about staying at home.

During my vacation, I want to draw beautiful things, like Ryne, Erin and Lance. Yesterday, I drew Erin while we waited for our food to come in Chili's.

During my vacation, I also want to watch tv, play with my Playstation, take care of Ryne, play with Lance, play computer, play Monopoly, play with my Transformer toys, make books, and all the other things I like to do. I also want to play bowling with my Dad.

Yesterday, I went to Tom Dragon with Erin, Joel and Lance. Tom Dragon is a place that has dragon pictures on the walls and even Pokemon pictures. It also has a lot of games, and you can even have a party there on your birthday. But it is in Taiwan, so if you're in the Philippines or anywhere else, you must come to Taiwan for your birthday.

While in Tom Dragon yesterday, I was going to jump into the ball pool but Joel pushed me so I fell. I was so mad so we had a ball fight. Joel ran away to play with someone else who speaks Chinese eventhough Joel can only speak English. Afterwards, I played with Erin and Lance. We had so much fun. Then we had dinner at Chili's. I ate pasta with white sauce, then we left for home where I watched Ben 10, then I went to sleep.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


My favorite dinosaur is the ankylosaurus.

The ankylosaurus lived between 230 and 65 million years ago. A full-grown ankylosaurus measured about 25-35 feet long, 6 feet wide, and 4-5 feet tall. Wow, quite big!

The ankylosaurus cannot make eggs. It can only eat grass, not meat. It has a little bit of teeth inside its mouth, so it has to eat slowly. It cannot run, it can only walk because it has a heavy tail. It does not make a sound. It cannot swim.

The thick skin of the ankylosaurus acts like armor and protects it, too. The Indian rhinoceros is like the ankylosaurus because it also has thick skin.

Ankylosauruses stayed together to make a home. The ankylosaurus used its tail to fight.

The ankylosaurus moves very slowly, but not as slow as the snail. The ankylosaurus could still beat a snail in a race, but it cannot beat other dinosaurs.

What is your favorite dinosaur?

Scott 10 and Sean 1,000

One day, it was Grandpa's birthday!!! Scott was excited that his Grandpa was having a birthday party. Everyone was bringing money to the party because it was going to be a "money party." Scott and Sean had special alien powers, just like Ben 10. Scott only had 10 aliens but Sean had 1,000! They used their aliens to set up the party for Grandpa. Scott and Sean used a power called "XLR8" to give everyone a card so they could go to the party. All the people arrived at the party and they were having fun.


Suddenly, there were two strong monsters!!! The monsters wanted to steal all the money.

So Scott was going to use Four Arms to fight the monsters but his watch made a mistake, and so he turned into Upgrade instead. Scott said, "Oh, man!" Then Sean had a plan. He was going to use these powers: Wildmutt then Four Arms, Greymatter, XLR8, Upgrade, Diamondhead, Ripjaw, Stinkfly, Ghostfreak, Heatblast, Canonbolt, Wildvine, Spitter, Mummy, Anticguana, Upchuck, Eyeguy, Waybig, Benwolf and Ditto. Finally, Scott used his big blaster and the monsters died.

Everyone returned to the party and Grandpa blew out all the candles on his cake.